eo4geo logo

Objective: to deliver an innovative strategy for skills development and capacity building in the field of space and geospacial sectors.

Website: EO4GEO – Innovative solutions for Earth Observation/Geoinformation training



SAM logo

Objective: to build a sector skills strategy in in the Additive Manufacturing sector.

Website: SAM (skills4am.eu)



 mates logo

Ojective: to develop a skills strategy that addresses the main drivers of change in the maritime industry, in particular shipbuilding and offshore renewable energy. 

Website: Maritime Alliance for fostering the European Blue Economy through a Marine Technology Skilling Strategy | Project Mates - Project Mates

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Construction Blueprint logo

Objective: to develop a sectoral strategic approach to cooperate on skills in the construction industry.

Website: Home - Construction Blueprint



 drives logo

Objective: development and research on innovative vocational educational skills for the automotive sector.

Website: Project DRIVES (project-drives.eu)