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About Us

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We recognise the fact that similar rules and regulations in maritime transport govern us all. Despite the fact that we are aware of the different backgrounds in various educational systems in Europe, it is our aim to come to a structured cooperation. Our common goal is to provide current and future maritime professionals with the best possible education. This asks for collaboration regarding, amongst others, the development of curricula, the exchange of teachers and students and a joint representation in important European forums. By participating in MET-NET, education providers can benefit from increased visibility, access to valuable resources, and networking opportunities that strengthen existing connections between our institutions. In doing so, we can ensure the high quality of trained maritime personnel by intensifying the existing informal connections between our educational institutes. Thus making optimal use of all available synergies.


MET-NET will initially be open to all public maritime education providers in and outside SkillSea and the current private maritime education providers in SkillSea. MET-NET will provide a platform for exchanging information, knowledge and expertise, enabling its members to communicate and share their views on specific educational issues. MET-NET partners can also develop proposals for relevant European grant programmes such as Erasmus+ and others.

MET-NET will also be a partner for communicating with maritime transport stakeholders, such as European research institutes, social partners and other policymakers.

Structure of MET-NET:

The current founding partners of MET-NET will become the first steering committee of MET-NET after the signing of this MoU. The steering committee will prepare the following:

  • the formalisation of MET-NET,
  • the first meeting of all institutions that have signed this MoU,
  • the election of the first chairman, vice-chairman and secretary of MET-NET,
  • promote MET-NET as a communication platform for the stakeholders and
  • initiate initiatives for the exchange of knowledge, students and teachers.

Ultimately, after one year, the steering committee positions will be reconsidered in a general meeting of MET-NET.


This project has received funding from the European Union's Erasmus+ programme under grant agreement 2018 – 3387/ 001- 001 (Project number 601186)

"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein".


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