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Maritime Education and Training Network (MET-NET)

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Draft Workplan Maritime Education and Training Network (MET-NET)


The SkillSea project, which lasted from 2019 until mid-2023, demonstrated the substantial added value of the cooperation between Maritime Education and Training (MET) providers, as it became apparent that the developments in maritime transport were too big for one institution to handle as it would take to much time and effort to integrate all of these in its curriculum.  

For this reason, the MET providers in SkillSea concluded that it was necessary to start the development of a structural form of cooperation, the European Maritime Education and Training Network (MET-NET). It is also important to mention that MET-NET is considered necessary to achieve a level-playing field with existing European collaborative structures of universities, employers and employees in maritime transport.

MET-NET aims to enhance the sharing of resources and expertise to improve the education and training provided to maritime professionals. Improved cooperation increases knowledge sharing, builds trust, strengthens the involvement of MET providers with the sector and inspires further developments and progress, thus contributing to increased learning and mobility of current and future seafarers in the sector.



MET-NET aims to facilitate, produce, and disseminate reciprocal knowledge crucial to sustain European maritime skills and competencies involving MET providers and provide a platform for supporting knowledge-sharing good MET practices based on cooperation between METs.



The MET-NET's objectives include:

  1. Enhancing cooperation and mobility among maritime stakeholders to support knowledge-sharing and good practices.
  2. Improving the quality of training and education in the maritime transport sector.
  3. Promoting a wide variety of skills (e.g. green skills, digital skills, language skills, safety), including e-learning options to enhance accessibility and flexibility in education provision.
  4. Developing common learning objectives and outcomes for future developments.
  5. Developing innovative and future-proofed skills and qualifications for maritime professionals.


Proposed activities

  • Industry Innovations: Host presentations showcasing innovative developments within the maritime transport sector.
  • Knowledge and Experience Exchange: Facilitate regular dialogues between MET providers and academia to discuss and address common issues such as skills gaps.
  • Promotion of New Technologies and Solutions: Utilise various communication channels to promote new technologies and innovative solutions, encouraging participation and adoption.
  • Educational Events and Programmes: Organise and deliver workshops, seminars, summer schools, and traineeships in various formats (face-to-face and online) to cater to diverse learning needs.
  • Knowledge Transfer: Implement initiatives to ensure the effective transfer of knowledge and expertise between MET providers, academia, and industry stakeholders, using external financial sources (e.g. Erasmus+) whenever necessary and possible.
  • Mobility Facilitation: Support the mobility of students, educators, and professionals within the maritime sector by improving recognition of qualifications and promoting collaboration opportunities.
  • Best Practices Sharing: Create a platform for sharing and discussing best practices in maritime education and training to encourage continuous improvement.
  • Toolbox and Education Packages Promotion: Facilitate the exchange of information to promote using the toolbox and education packages developed for the maritime sector.
  • Dissemination of Educational Resources: Develop and distribute new educational packages to MET providers and relevant stakeholders, ensuring wide accessibility and adoption.
  • Professional Development for Educators: Organise workshops and training programs designed for maritime educators to enhance their teaching skills and stay current with industry trends.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Erasmus+ programme under grant agreement 2018 – 3387/ 001- 001 (Project number 601186)

"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein".


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