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Maritime professionals need to be up- and reskilled on a large scale. Rapid emerging techno-logies, digital transformation on ships and in ship operations, and an increased focus on sustainability require future-proof skills.

As an outcome of EU funded project SkillSea a new maritime skills strategy is delivered. It provides stakeholders guidance as it recommended that curricula of maritime education and training providers adapt to these trends, and that modern technology and skills must be used to repositioning maritime shipping professions.

Project SkillSea started four-and-a-half years ago with the aim to ensure that Europe’s maritime professionals possess key digital, green, and soft management skills for the rapidly changing maritime labour market. SkillSea not only searched to produce a sustainable skills strategy, but also looked for ways to increase the number of maritime professionals - enhancing the safety and efficiency of this vital sector. SkillSea has brought together social partners, maritime industry, trade unions, research organisations, maritime academies and universities, education and training providers, and public authorities.

The recommended repositioning of maritime shipping professions is also needed to give newcomers to the labour market a prospective career and that they can apply their talent in innovation, widen their knowledge on sustainability issues and deepen their mastery of digitalisation. When appropriately integrated in maritime education and training, including life-long learning, new skills support mobility and can enhance the attractiveness of a career in shipping.

As a direct project outcome of SkillSea nine leading European maritime education and training providers have decided to launch the Maritime Education and Training Network (MET-NET). This network aims to provide current and future maritime professionals with the best possible education. By participating in MET-NET, education providers can benefit from access to valuable resources, increased visibility, and networking opportunities to ensure high quality of trained maritime personnel. MET-NET is open to all maritime education and training providers world-wide.


pdf icon Summary of SkillSea strategy, key findings and recommendations

This project has received funding from the European Union's Erasmus+ programme under grant agreement 2018 – 3387/ 001- 001 (Project number 601186)

"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein".


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