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Precursor Projects

A number of ongoing and completed projects of the sector funded by the European Commission contribute to the work of SKILLSEA. These projects are:


  • The ongoing SKILLFUL research project

The SKILLFUL aims to review the existing, emerging and future knowledge and skills requirements of workers at all levels in the transportation sector, to structure the key specifications and components of the curricula and training courses that will be needed to meet these competence requirements optimally and to identify and propose new business roles in the education and training chain, such as those of “knowledge aggregator”, “training certifier” and training promoter”, in order to achieve European wide competence development.


  • The ongoing MATES project

MATES’ objective is to develop a skills strategy that addresses the main drivers of change to the maritime industry, in particular shipbuilding and offshore renewable energy. Both sectors are strongly linked and require new capacities to succeed in an increasingly digital, green and knowledge driven economy.


  • The Vasco da Gama project

The aim of the VDG-TGSMT is to contribute to achieving the development of high professional skills and the development of Education and Training within the EU (and in particular, improve the skills of persons employed in the European shipping with a view to addressing specific challenges such as maritime safety and reduction of environmental damage- and lay the foundations for mobility within Europe, involving education and training institutions (along the lines of a ‘maritime Erasmus’).


  • The KNOW-ME project

Funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Program, The KNOWME project focuses on the importance of the human factor within the shipping industry which is covered by the European Commission’s ‘Maritime Transport Strategy 2009-2018’. The KNOWME project is concerned with the creation of a maritime industry knowledge network for raising the knowledge level of the industry human resources and improving its image and marketability among key decision-makers, the labor market, and the public.


This project has received funding from the European Union's Erasmus+ programme under grant agreement 2018 – 3387/ 001- 001 (Project number 601186)

"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein".


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