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Green Skills II

Learning objectives

The intended learning objective of this course is to provide the knowledge to prepare the participants to comply with or exceed the environmental requirements by understanding and using performance indicators.

The key outcome for participants is the ability to bridge the gap between operational responsibilities on board and strategic managerial responsibilities ashore.

The course shall lay the groundwork for future teamwork between vessel and office..

Target group
Ambitious Deck or Engine Officers who wish to transit from sea to shore or have made this transition already and take up roles with responsibilities including green skills.
Entry requirement
Deck or Engine Officers with STCW Certificates of Competency (Master, Chief Mate, OOW, Chief Engineer, Engineers, ETO) with respective educational background (minimum EQF level 6).

The duration of this module is 125 hours, corresponding to 5-8 ECTS points.

Duration of the full package is 40 guided learning (contact) hours and 85 self-study hours with an overall workload of 125 hours.

The contact hours are structured over 5 days/40 hours.

Project work
Oral report
  • Course description  pdf icon wordlogo
  • Presentation pptxlogo
  • Appendix 1 Table of Constructive Alignment pdf iconwordlogo
  • Appendix 2 Example Assessment Case pdf icon wordlogo
  • Appendix 3 Example Lesson pdf icon wordlogo
  • Appendix 4 Resources pdf icon wordlogo

This project has received funding from the European Union's Erasmus+ programme under grant agreement 2018 – 3387/ 001- 001 (Project number 601186)

"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein".


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